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Photo Gallery

All Classmates can add their own personal photo galleries inside the gallery selections below. Click the images below to enter the gallery area. Then click the "Create Your Own Photo Gallery Here" button at the bottom of the page to participate. Follow the directions on screen to create your gallery. Only you can add photos to galleries you have created, and all photos you add will be credited to you inside your gallery!

In the interest of storage capacity, relevance and propriety, we reserve the right to edit the photo galleries and remove photos which are repetitive, not related to our shared WHS experience or may be embarassing or unflattering to the subjects.  If you are pictured in a photo which makes you uncomfortable and would like to have it removed, please contact us.

40 Year Reunion Weekend
1 Gallery  24/6/18
A blast from the past...
7 Galleries  30/5/15
Grad Night !
6 Galleries  2/5/15
1 Gallery  6/2/15
Roslyn School
2 Galleries  27/5/15
Westmount Park School
2 Galleries  2/5/15